Folklores on Birds by Khas Nepali People
These are the list of ethno-ornithology stories in the Nepali language and are still famously circulated amongst the society. Most elderly people know the folklore; which is passed to the new generation.
- Gol-Simal [गोलसिमल – Scops Owl]
- Dhukur-Ko-Jodi [दुकूरको जोड़ी – A pair of Doves]
Gol-Simal [गोलसिमल – Scops Owl]
Mountain Scops Owl / Gol Simal Story in English Translation A couple was living in a village. They had a daughter. The daughter was adorable, so the father wanted to name her ‘Gol’. As the daughter’s cheeks were red, the mother wanted to name her ‘Simal’ by looking at the flowering Simal tree next to the house. The daughter's name was given by combining the names of the two.
The mother passed away while her daughter was still young. After that, when there was no one to take care of the daughter, the father got married again. The father thought that after another marriage, his daughter’s health would improve. But that did not happen.
Father went abroad to earn money, leaving Golshimal with her stepmother.
The stepmother would not even give Golsimal a good meal. When Golsimal asked for food, the mother said, “Wait, daughter. Loro is a stone, no one can cook a stone. One day while baking bread, Golsimal was waiting for food. Instead of feeding the bread, the stepmother poured hot oil from the head. He died in a daze-burning ashes.
Then Golsimal’s soul flew. The soul sat on a Simal tree near the same house. All the birds were heartbroken to see Golsimal’s body. ‘There is nothing in Golsimal’s body’ – all the birds gave feathers to Golsimal one by one. From there, there is a black stripe on the body of Golsimal.
Golsimal used to sit on the side of the road in such a way that her father would come from abroad. Sitting on the Simal tree on the road, Golsimal still thinks of his father and calls him – Cook-Cook-Cook-Cook.
गोलसिमल को कथा नेपाली भाषा मा एउटा गाऊँमाँ एक दम्पति बसबसो गर्दैथिएँ। ऊनिहरुको एउटा छोरी भएको थियो। छोरी एकदमै पुकुली भएको हुनाले बाउले उसको नाम ‘गोल’ भनेरा रखना चह्यो। छोरीको गाला रातो-रातो भएको हुनाले आमाले उसको नाम घरको छेउमा फुलेको सिमल को रुख हेर्दै ‘सिमल’ राखने चाहना गरिन। दुइजना को नाम मिलाएर छोरीको नाम राखियो ‘गोल-सिमल।
छोरी सानुहुँदै आमाको स्वर्गबास भयो। तेस्पछि छोरीको सीहार गर्ने मान्छे नहुँदा बाउले, अर्को बिहे गरे। बाउले सोचेको थिए, अर्को बिहे गरेपछि, उसको छोरीको सीहार-सुशार राम्रो हुन्छहोला भनेर। तर तेस्तो भएन। बाउ पैसा कमाउनको लागी परदेश तीर लागे, गोलशिमल लाई सौतेनी आमा संग छोडेर।
सौतिनी आमाले गोलसिमललाई राम्रो खान पनि दिदिनथिन। गोलसिमलले खान मांगदा, आमाले भन्नुभयो “परख है छोरी, लोरो पोल्नु हालेको छू, त्यों पाके पछि दिन्छु।” लोरो त ढुङ्गा को हुन्छ, कुनै मान्छेले ढुङ्गा पकाउनु सक्दैन। रोटी पकाउँदाखेरी एकदिन गोलसिमल परखी बसेकी थिए खाने को लागी। रोटी खाना दिनु त होईना, सौतेली आमाले तातो तेल टाउको देखि खनाइ दिनु भयो । हेर्दा हेर्दै प्यारो-राम्रो-स्यानु गोलसिमल डरेर-ज्वलेर राख भएर उसकी मृत्यु भयो।
तेस्पछि गोलसिमलको आत्मा उड्य। आत्मा तेहि घरको छेउमाँ रहेका एउटा सिमलको रुखमाँ बसे। सबै चराहरुले गोलसीमलको जिउलाई देखेरा मन दुखायो। ‘गोलसिमलको जिउ मा लूगा केहि छैना’- चराहरु सबैजना मिलेर गोलसिमललाई एउटा एउटा गरेर प्वांख देको थिओ। तेइदेखि गोलसिमल को जिउ मा कालो कालो धरका छ।
मन दुखेको गोलसिमल यो रुपमा बाटो तीर बसथिन, की कइले उसको बाउ परदेशबरा आउनुहुन्छ भनेर। बाटोपटी सिमलको रुखमा बसेरे अहिलेपनि गोलसिमलले आफ्नु बाउको सोचैमा बसछ र बोलाउछ – कुक-कुक कुक-कुक गरेर।
Dhukur-Ko-Jodi [दुकूरको जोड़ी – A pair of Doves]
Dove / Dukur Story in English Translation There was a pair of doves. The two were very much in love with each other. One day, the male dove brought some lentils and said to the female dove, “I have searched and brought some lentils, save it for later if there is a famine.” The female dove took the lentils and kept them. Later there was famine. The male pigeon asked the female pigeon to remove the lentils. When the female dove looked, it was not in the place where the lentils were kept. The male pigeon became very angry and accused the female pigeon of eating the lentils, and in a fit of rage beat the female pigeon to death. Then the male dove left the place and walked away. One day the male dove wandered around and reached the old place. The lentils were growing on the side of the tree. At that time, the male dove regretted that he did not believe in the female pigeon, that he had made a big mistake, and he started weeping with the feathers and bones scattered here and there.
दुकुर को कथा नेपाली भाषा मा एकजोड़ी ढुकुर थिओ। दुईजना को एक अर्का संग धेरै माया थिओ। एकदिन भाले ढुकुर ले केहि दालका दाना ल्याएर पोथी ढुकुरलाई भन्यो “बुरी इ केहि दालका दाना मैले खोजेरो ल्याएको छू, पछि अनिकालकोलागि भनेर यसलाई जोगाएर रख है।” पोथी ढुकुरले दालका दाना लिएर राखिन।
पछि अनिकाल लागयो। भाले ढुकुरले पोथी ढुकुरलाई राखन दिएका दालका दाना निकालन लगायो। पोथी ढुकुरले हेर्दा ती दालका दाना राखेको ठाउमा थिएनन। भाले ढुकुर धेरै रिसाएर पोथी ढुकुरलाई, ती दालका दाना खाएको आरोप लगायो र आक्रोशमा आएर पोथी ढुकुरलाई प्राण जाऊंनजेल कुट्यो। तेस्पछि भाले ढुकुर त्यों ठाउ छोडेर हीडयो। एकदिन भाले ढुकुर घुम्दै घुम्दै पुरानो ठाउमा पुगेयो। त्यों रुक को छेउ-छाउ मा दालका दानाहरु उमरेका रहेछन। तेत्तिबेला भाले ढुकुरलाई पोथी ढुकुरको कुरामा बिश्वास न गरेकोमा ठूलो पश्याताप भयो की, उस्ले ठूलो गलती गरेछ र उ रुदै-रुदै रुकका यत्र-तत्र छरिएका प्वांख र हाड़हरु सुंसुमियान्दई रुन लाग्यो।
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